Why Individual Mediation?
Individual mediation allows you to take a “time-in” to uncover and discover the authentic you that exists without outside stimuli telling you what to say, do or think.
Make Your World What You Want
You will learn to re-examine your present values, needs, and interests via the Human Value guidelines, and discover the identity that will better serve you as well as others. I will listen to your thoughts, feelings, and vision and reflect back to you what I heard to assist you in discovering possible alternatives and choices that may exist.
You will choose the action steps to create who you want to become. I can assist and teach you to remove the trapped emotions that are blocking your plan. Actions taken to mend the past and present blocks will pave a different future.
Benefits of Individual Mediation
You will gain the tools and knowledge to evaluate and make decisions without relying on outside influences alone. You will gain the technique to change sensory memories so that you are no longer controlled by your reactionary emotions. You will know how to sort out information, navigate a direction for success by making wise choices and live a “decisionary “lifestyle.
Client Examples
Real life situations: mediated with human values
- I have been given a fantastic job opportunity that will catapult me to a whole new level in my life. Unfortunately, I am afraid because it involves the skills where I feel least confident and where I failed in the past. I am wondering if I can do this job.
Action: We will first compare your values and goals with that of the job description to see if they match. We will discover If they are in agreement, then I will facilitate you to identify the fear emotion that is keeping you stuck. We will either implement an emotional resolution session or facilitate you to do it yourself and then re-evaluate your position.
- My good friend and boss listened to others about a work incident that defamed my character and was only part of the story or half-truth. She then made a decision and took the action by firing me in an email without consulting me. I am wondering if I should enter into the defensive game to defend my position, tell her the rest of the story, which I know she does not know, and try to straighten things out. What is the best action?
Action: We will evaluate this situation with the human values checklist and discover what is best for all concerned. It is never a good idea to react without a clear, balanced answer from within first. Once revisited, you may just need to move on following the respectful “agree to disagree” approach accepting that you know your truth. She didn’t ask for your explanation-she sent an email to you and said “you’re out”-period. Remember that many people act without full disclosure and knowledge out of fear. You are not responsible for how others feel or react, only how you process, accept your part if any, let go and move forward.
- My demanding job is consuming all of me and not allowing me to be available for my family. I need to address this before everything falls apart. How can I structure a discussion with my boss to create a win-win?
Action: We will go through the human values checklist and determine mutually beneficial solutions that you can approach him with that can meet everyone’s’ needs. Empowering him and showing value for HIM in your plan is the best approach. Making “me only” decisions and or manipulating people without including everyone’s best interests only works momentarily, and you should strive for an honest, consistent permanent fix!
If you’d like to find out more about Individual Mediation, contact The Mediation Mentor »